2024-09-11 21:22:13 +02:00

904 B

+++ title = 'testing snippets' author = 'Joost Agterhoek' date = 2024-09-11 updated = 2024-09-11 [taxonomies] tags = ['Neovim', 'LuaSnip', 'blogging'] +++

This is my first test blog post (local only) where I setup the TOML front matter with a self-made LuaSnip snippet! 🤩 Of course the snippet was filled with errors, but, it did work! 🛠️

All in all, I am really getting into the flow of my current setup for note taking and blogging. I would like to further integrate this site, which should soon be my note taking test site's theme, into Obsidian.

So far, zola has had no problem updating the locally served site when I edit a blog post like this, so it would be great for testing. I would like a keymap for emojis though, I should remember to set that up. Which is exactly what I do in my personal Obsidian vault (see the connection here? 🔗).