+++ title = "Shortcode Example" date = "2024-06-14" [taxonomies] tags=["example"] +++ ## Note Here is an example of the `note` shortcode: This one is static! {{ note(header="Note!", body="This blog assumes basic terminal maturity") }} This one is clickable! {{ note(clickable=true, hidden = true, header="Quiz!", body="The answer to the quiz!") }} Syntax: ``` {{/* note(header="Note!", body="This blog assumes basic terminal maturity") */}} {{/* note(clickable=true, hidden = true, header="Quiz!", body="The answer to the quiz!") */}} ``` You can also use some HTML in the text: {{ note(header="Note!", body="

This blog assumes basic terminal maturity

") }} Literal shortcode: ``` {{/* note(header="Note!", body="

This blog assumes basic terminal maturity

") */}} ``` Pretty cool, right? Finally, you can do something like this (hopefully): {% note(clickable=true, header="Quiz!") %} # Hello this is markdown inside a note shortcode ```rust fn main() { println!("Hello World"); } ``` We can't call another shortcode inside a shortcode, but this is good enough. {% end %} Here is the raw markdown: ```markdown {{/* note(clickable=true, header="Quiz!") */}} # Hello this is markdown inside a note shortcode \`\`\`rust fn main() { println!("Hello World"); } \`\`\` We can't call another shortcode inside a shortcode, but this is good enough. {{/* end */}} ``` Finally, we have center {{ note(center=true, header="Centered Text", body="This is centered text") }} ```markdown {{/* note(center=true, header="Centered Text", body="This is centered text") */}} ``` It works good enough for me!