+++ title = "Configuring Apollo" date = "2024-07-09" [taxonomies] tags=["documentation"] [extra] repo_view = true +++ ## Theme Mode (`theme`) Sets the color theme for your blog. - Type: String - Options: "light", "dark", "auto", "toggle" - Default: "toggle" - Usage: `theme = "toggle"` The "toggle" option allows users to switch between light and dark modes, while "auto" typically follows the user's system preferences. ## Menu Defines the navigation menu items for your blog. - Type: Array of objects - Default: [] - Usage: ```toml menu = [ { name = "/posts", url = "/posts", weight = 1 }, { name = "/projects", url = "/projects", weight = 2 }, { name = "/about", url = "/about", weight = 3 }, { name = "/tags", url = "/tags", weight = 4 }, ] ``` ## Socials Defines the social media links. - Type: Array of objects - Default: [] - Usage: ```toml socials = [ { name = "twitter", url = "https://twitter.com/not_matthias", icon = "twitter" }, { name = "github", url = "https://github.com/not-matthias/", icon = "github" }, ] ``` ## Table of Contents (`toc`) Enables or disables the table of contents for posts. - Type: Boolean - Default: true - Usage: `toc = true` When enabled, a table of contents will be generated for posts, making it easier for readers to navigate through longer articles. ## CDN Usage (`use_cdn`) Determines whether to use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for assets. - Type: Boolean - Default: false - Usage: `use_cdn = false` When set to true, the theme will attempt to load assets from a CDN, which can improve loading times for visitors from different geographic locations. ## Favicon (`favicon`) Specifies the path to the favicon image for your blog. - Type: String - Default: "/icon/favicon.png" - Usage: `favicon = "/icon/favicon.png"` This sets the small icon that appears in the browser tab for your website. ## Comments (`comment`) Enables or disables the comment system for posts. - Type: Boolean - Default: false - Usage: `comment = false` After making `comment = true` save your script from [Giscus](https://giscus.app) to `templates/_giscus_script.html`. When enabled, this allows readers to leave comments on your blog posts. ## Fancy Code Styling (`fancy_code`) Enables enhanced styling for code blocks. - Type: Boolean - Default: true - Usage: `fancy_code = true` This option adds the language label and a copy button. ## Dynamic Notes (`dynamic_note`) Allows for the creation of togglable note sections in your content. - Type: Boolean - Default: true - Usage: `dynamic_note = true` When enabled, you can create expandable/collapsible note sections in your blog posts. ## Source code (`repo_view`) Do you want to link to the source code of your blog post? You can turn on the `repo_view` inside the `[extra]` section of your blog post. ```toml [extra] repo_view = true repo_url = "https://github.com/not-matthias/apollo/tree/main/content" # Alternatively add the repo here ``` The `repo_url` can be set in the `[extra]` section or in your `config.toml`. ## Anchor Links You can add anchor links by adding the following to your `_index.md`: ```toml insert_anchor_links = "heading" ```