base_url = "" title = "My statically generated test website" description = "This is a test website built with Zola. Here I want to try to build a more easy to manage and 'quiet' homepage for my blog, possibly a journal and definitely current programming, scripting and automation projects. Goals are easy access to the content (preferably direct file access), integration with Git and Obsidian and ease of use." compile_sass = false minify_html = true generate_feeds = true default_language = "en" taxonomies = [ {name = "tags", feed = true}, ] [markdown] render_emoji = true external_links_target_blank = true smart_punctuation = true highlight_code = false highlight_theme = "gruvbox-dark" [slugify] paths = "on" taxonomies = "on" anchors = "on" [link_checker] internal_level = "warn" [extra] author = "Joost Agterhoek" display_author = true favicon = "favicon.ico" image = "" default_theme = "light" list_pages = false twitter_card = true header_nav = [ { url = "/", name_en = "/home/", name_fr = "/accueil/" }, { url = "/about", name_en = "/about/", name_fr = "/concernant/" }, { url ="/projects", name_en = "/projects/" }, { url = "/journal", name_en = "/journal/", name_fr = "/journal/" }, { url = "/blog", name_en = "/blog/", name_fr = "/blog/" } ] # Optional footer license text. It will only show, when using footer_content_license. #footer_content_license = "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International" #footer_content_license_link = ""