base_url = "" title = "My personal website" description = "This is an example description" build_search_index = false generate_feeds = true compile_sass = true minify_html = true taxonomies = [{ name = "tags" }] [markdown] highlight_code = true highlight_theme = "ayu-light" [extra] toc = true use_cdn = false favicon = "/icon/favicon.png" theme = "toggle" # light, dark, auto, toggle comment = false fancy_code = true dynamic_note = true # a note that can be toggled mathjax = true mathjax_dollar_inline_enable = true repo_url = "" menu = [ { name = "/posts", url = "/posts", weight = 1 }, { name = "/projects", url = "/projects", weight = 2 }, { name = "/about", url = "/about", weight = 3 }, { name = "/tags", url = "/tags", weight = 4 }, ] socials = [ { name = "pleroma", url = "", icon = "mastodon" }, { name = "gitea", url = "", icon = "gitlab" }, ] custom_css = [] [] enabled = false [] user = "your_user" host = "" # default= [] website_id = "43929cd1-1e83...." host_url = "" # default: