removed files from anemone theme

This commit is contained in:
Joost Agterhoek 2024-09-11 21:20:48 +02:00
parent 2dad50d16e
commit 0ba5bcdff1
3 changed files with 0 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
paginate_by = 15
title = "All blog posts"
sort_by = "date"
page_template = "blog-page.html"
> List of all *[tags](/tags)*

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
title = "Personal journal"
date = 2024-09-06
draft = false
2024-09-08 😕
I need to get back into my `flask-soc-site`-project (project pages soon to come), but it is difficult: I have three different 'problems' I want to solve and it's hard to focus on just one. The difficulty is that my data and intended objects share a lot of similarities, but are not entirely the same: an IP address, a domain name, a URL, an email address. Would it make sense to make some higher 'host' class? And then have lower classes inherit certain traits from that class? Or does it make sense to even have a class at all?
## 2024-09-06 🚧
Not to say that it has been *easy* by any means, but, I think I have a setup now for this website: work on it locally in a Git repo (and Obsidian vault), test it from that folder, then push the code and rsync it to my server, where it should be automatically synced based on every change, including deletes. With that, I will delete most if not all of the boilerplate text here and maybe, just maybe, try writing this journal with anything tech- or development related.

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@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
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