183 lines
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183 lines
7.3 KiB
{% import "macros/macros.html" as post_macros %}
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{% for key, value in data%}
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{% endif %}
{% if key == "name" and value == "description"%}
{% set_global page_has_description = true -%}
{% endif %}
{{ key }}="{{ value }}"
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
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{# Site title #}
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{{ config.title | default(value="Home") }}
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{% elif section.title %} {{ section.title }}
{% elif config.title %} {{ config.title }}
{% else %} Post {% endif %}
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el.setAttribute('data-website-id', '{{ website_id }}');
el.setAttribute('data-host-url', '{{ host_url }}');
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{# EasyList blocks '.com/count?', so we have to use '.com//count' #}
<img src="https://{{ user }}.{{ host }}//count?p={{ current_path }}&t={{ page.title | default(value=config.title) }}">
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{# Fancy Codeblock #}
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{# Dynamic Note #}
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tex: {
inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']]
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{# RSS #}
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