return { 'TobinPalmer/pastify.nvim', cmd = { 'Pastify', 'PastifyAfter' }, event = { 'BufReadPost' }, -- Load after the buffer is read, I like to be able to paste right away keys = { { noremap = true, mode = 'x', 'p', 'PastifyAfter' }, { noremap = true, mode = 'n', 'p', 'PastifyAfter' }, { noremap = true, mode = 'n', 'P', 'Pastify' }, }, config = function() require('pastify').setup { opts = { absolute_path = false, -- use absolute or relative path to the working directory apikey = '', -- Api key, required for online saving local_path = '/assets/imgs/', -- The path to put local files in, ex ~/Projects//assets/images/.png save = 'local', -- Either 'local' or 'online' or 'local_file' filename = function() return vim.fn.expand '%:t:r' .. '_' .. '%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S' end, default_ft = 'markdown', -- Default filetype to use }, ft = { -- Custom snippets for different filetypes, will replace $IMG$ with the image url html = '', markdown = '![]($IMG$)', tex = [[\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{$IMG$}]], css = 'background-image: url("$IMG$");', js = 'const img = new Image(); img.src = "$IMG$";', xml = '', php = '"; ?>', python = '# $IMG$', java = '// $IMG$', c = '// $IMG$', cpp = '// $IMG$', swift = '// $IMG$', kotlin = '// $IMG$', go = '// $IMG$', typescript = '// $IMG$', ruby = '# $IMG$', vhdl = '-- $IMG$', verilog = '// $IMG$', systemverilog = '// $IMG$', lua = '-- $IMG$', }, } end, }